digital artist


Pronouns: She/He/They
Welcome to my Carrd! My name is Nootcy, I also go by Noot or Jason. I am an artist who mostly does digital works of art and loves to draw characters.

Terms of Service


- ALWAYS make sure to credit my work, either using my, Instagram, or DeviantArt to credit me.
- Please do not edit/alter my art unless I give you permission.
- When commissioning me, you agree and acknowledge my T.O.S


- I won't start a commission till I've received some amount of payment and the only way to receive the finished product is when I get the full amount owed.
- I prefer that you have a ref sheet that has no shading or at least a palette to the side to make it easier to color pick the colors to correctly color your OC.
- A refund is not available when I am halfway finished with the order.
- I have the right to decline a commission order if it makes me uncomfortable.
- The waiting period for my commissions is random, it all depends on my schedule. If my schedule is clear for a couple of weeks that artwork will be done in 1-3 weeks, if I am super busy it would take 2-3 months. Bigger commission orders tend to always take 2-3 months to complete.
- I am able to send the finished product via email or transfer it to TH.


- Don't resell my design at a higher price than what you originally paid unless there is more art attached.
- When you've redesigned a design of mine PLEASE and ALWAYS credit me for the original design.
- Please keep the design recognizable when redesigning.
- Do not rip off any of my designs.
- Character is either transferred by email or TH.

Anyone that gets caught breaking my TOS will be blocked.